Level 1 Course
Universal Rays Healing™ has been successfully taught around the world since 2013 including Sydney, London, South of France, Geneva, New York, and Moscow.
The Universal Rays Healing™ program was designed by the 13 Ascended Masters who are the keepers of the Universal Rays from the heart of Source and then channelled to Ishtar to share with the world.
For the first time ever, the 13 Ascended Masters, who are the keepers of the Universal Rays of Creation for humanity at this time, invite you to work with them directly and channel this powerful energy to assist humanity to heal its ancient wounds and step into self-mastery.
Learn to assist your clients to move into balance in their lives – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
The Level 1 course is received in 2 parts:
Part 1 - You learn the Universal Rays Healing™ theory via our online course platform.
Part 2 - When you have completed learning the theory, you can then go on to train with an accredited Universal Rays Healing™ teacher, and learn how to practice this healing modality with your clients.
You can listen to accredited Universal Rays Healing™ teacher Bernadette King speak about learning Universal Rays Healing in this video.
Part 1 includes all the information about the Journey of a Soul, Universal Rays, the Ascended Masters, The Chakras, Releasing Karma, The Meridians, The Organisation of the Physical Body and so much more.
The Universal Rays Healing™ Level 1 theory is taught online with 13 video modules covering the following:
- Overview of the Universal Rays
- What is Energy?
- The Soul Journey
- The Role of Karma
- The Power of your Channel
- The Ascended Masters
- The Lower Chakra System
- The Physical Body and its Systems
- Soul Chart
- The Meridians
- The Universal Rays 1-3
- The Universal Rays 4-7
- How to use the Pendulum

Each of the modules has an assessment that you need to complete correctly in order to move to the next module.
When you sign up for Universal Rays Healing™ training online you also receive course materials that are sent to you.
For Level 1 these include a printed manual and a set of 12 Lower chakras codes. You can start the online course immediately and do not need to wait until you receive the manual and codes.

Once you have completed the Level 1 modules online, you can then go on to train with an accredited teacher over 4 days to learn how to do the Universal Rays Healing™ practice and create a Soul Chart Reading for your clients.
On each of these 4 days with your accredited teacher you also receive a special attunement channelled by Ishtar, which Activate your Prana connection, Open the Lifelight Chakra so you can receive the rays, Meet your 5 Angelic Healers, and Connect deeply with the 13 Ascended Masters so you can channel this healing energy.
When you open your heart to work with the consciousness of the 13 Masters of the Universal Rays you connect with the power of creation from Source.
A certificate of accreditation is supplied for each level of this training on completion.