Rai’shael (Bronwyn Hamilton)
Universal Rays Level 3 Practitioner

Universal Rays Level 3 Practitioner
Location: Umina Beach, NSW, Australia. Offering sessions online via zoom and in person.
Phone: +61 434 574 058
As a highly experienced Energy Healer, Mentor and Accreditation Teacher of the Universal Rays Healing I am here to support and assist you to heal all that is in resistance and blocking you from experiencing your highest potential here in life - physically, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually.
With the assistance of the Ascended Masters and the Universal Rays you will be guided through a energetic process which will allow you to discover what you hold in deep resistance of opening to and be supported to shift this old consciousness to create a deeper sense of peace, harmony and wellbeing in your life.
Over the past 6 years I have witnessed an incredible amount of people shift and transform their lives with the assistance of the Universal Rays Healings and I would be deeply honoured to support you in doing the same.
Other Qualifications - Divine Channel, Mentor of Love & Wisdom (International Not-For-Profit organisation), Accreditation Teacher of Universal Rays Healing 2016-2020, Teacher of “Open To Channel” & "The Masters Way"~ Self Mastery courses and Inner Child healing.