

    Testimonials for Universal Rays Healing Courses

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It is in deep gratitude that I look back on the Universal Rays Healing practitioner training I received. Each level, day, module and moment was rich in either wisdom, healing, deep teachings, awakening of the consciousness, deep transformation on all levels of my being, opportunities for growth and often a combination of all of these.

The teachings cover an understanding of the physical body, the energy body, our karma, our genetic lineage, our inner child and a means to see the programs and beliefs that support & limit us, and to reveal gifts and keys we are unaware of. Learning to read and understand my Soul chart was invaluable; I received such a clearer understanding of the Mission of my Soul and got clarity as to why I made many of the life choices I made. I am definitely not the same woman I was when I started this path of training.

The Ascended Masters offer us teachings that, as we evolve, allow us to go deeper and deeper; there is literally no ending to the gifts we receive.

Deep gratitude to Ishtar who channelled this Healing modality for us; it is so complete on all levels, so wise and takes everything into consideration.

The training grows in intensity and is designed in such a way that, as a student, I felt supported & safe.

I experienced magical moments connecting to the Ascended Masters, Healing Angels, Mother Earth and to the Universal Rays; deep activations that continue to nourish and support me.

As a practitioner and teacher of the URH today, I am constantly blown away by how the UR Healings answer all intentions of healing, growth, karma resolution and deepening of the understanding of oneself.

Thank you, once again to the Ascended Masters & to Ishtar.


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This course isn’t just for people wanting to become practitioners, it is for anyone searching for a greater knowledge and understanding of themselves and life.

As a Practitioner, the transformation I have witnessed in people’s lives (and my own) over and over again is unlike anything I’ve witnessed in any other modality (and I’ve studied and searched a lot).

I would highly recommend The Universal Rays Healing Training to anyone who knows they have a greater calling in life to serve humanity, anyone wanting to make a difference in this world, anyone who wants to grow and evolve, anyone searching for answers and anyone wanting to heal & transform.

This training changed the course and direction of my life, and I will be forever grateful to Ishtar and the Masters for gifting this to humanity.


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What I loved about The Universal Rays course, is it’s a relatively new healing modality, with genuine results. It’s not like anything I have ever heard of, or done before. I’ve been in the healing arts for 30 years, and it was so refreshing to learn something that is so different, effective, and profound. I took my course with Har Nal, and I can’t recommend it enough. She is a phenomenal teacher, as well as a great healer. If you want to learn how to open a channel to heal yourself, and others, look into this course. You will learn so much!


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I have just completed my twelve practice sessions for Level 3 of Universal Rays Healing Therapy. I wanted to "Thank You" and the Ascended Masters for such an expansive and high vibration Healing modality. There was much to learn during these three levels. The layering of information given during each level, and each set of practice sessions, really gave me a firm foundation. Janet was a wonderful teacher! This was a comprehensive and well thought out integration process of learning! Feel competent to be of service with the Universal Rays Healing Therapy. Many Blessings To You!


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So looking forward to doing the refresher with Jo. Doing this course online is a much better learning process. Then when we do the face to face training with a teacher it is more focused on the charts and healings and we have a lot more time.


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  Testimonials for Universal Rays Healing Sessions

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Open your heart and trust, that’s all I can say. Working with Jo had been a lesson in stepping into the unknown. A place that previously caused me much anxiety and fear.

Jo has guided me to see and understand the consciousness from which I choose to create from.

The Universal Rays has helped to release and resolve the fear based programming of my ego and supported me to develop new ways of thinking and perceiving what is possible.

Jo has blown me away with her ability to hold space leaving me feeling fully supported and loved no matter my path.

Jo has helped open my mind and guide me to connect to what I love in life, making choices from excitement and pure potential. As a result life is blossoming.

I can only wonder how it will continue to expand.

Everyday I now step into more balance and harmony, I’m more relaxed, present and at peace with whatever is. Knowing I have the tools to navigate it no matter what.
One other thing…. My work life balance has never been better! Love you Jo, thank you.


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Open your heart and trust, that’s all I can say. Working with Jo had been a lesson in stepping into the unknown. A place that previously caused me much anxiety and fear.
Jo has guided me to see and understand the consciousness from which I choose to create from.

The Universal Rays has helped to release and resolve the fear-based programming of my ego and supported me to develop new ways of thinking and perceiving what is possible.

Jo has blown me away with her ability to hold space leaving me feeling fully supported and loved no matter my path.

Jo has helped open my mind and guide me to connect to what I love in life, making choices from excitement and pure potential. As a result life is blossoming.

I can only wonder how it will continue to expand. Everyday I now step into more balance and harmony, I’m more relaxed, present and at peace with whatever is. Knowing I have the tools to navigate it no matter what.

One other thing…. My work life balance has never been better!


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The universal rays brought to my attention areas to work on in a non-judgmental way. I became the technician on myself through observance and compassionate inquiry.

I developed motivation to shine the torch on my shadows for the first time, because Jo knew exactly how to guide me. I grew to have full acceptance for who I am, constantly being guided to do the work, even when I didn’t want to accept those parts of myself.

I developed an understanding of the nature of my consciousness, which I would say is the most powerful tool I could ever gain. This tool creates my reality every second of the day, and the difference in my reality today compared to 12 months ago is unexplainable.

The combination of these realisations has helped me make the choice to continue working with Jo for the next 12 months and beyond. Thank you for changing my life.


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I’ve done a lot of personal development in the last 8 years in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual realms. Having followed Jo’s work in her other areas of expertise for many years – I entered into my Universal Rays Healing experience with an openness, but also a skepticism. My mind was having trouble understanding what my Universal Rays were, and, to what level this healing was going to integrate into me.

By the first half of my first session my skepticism completely transmuted into a deep acceptance. The session brought tremendous clarity to me, it helped me understand myself in a way I hadn’t touched before. I experienced insights into myself that not only brought through a sense of freedom in my being, but also clarity in my personal mission and purpose in life.

The following healing sessions I experienced thereafter, unquestionably brought about long due shifts in me. I experienced this instantaneously – and continued to do so post sessions, more subtly, as the shifts continued to integrate.

The level that this work is working through and the container Jo holds to channel these healing energies is incredible. Jo’s integrity, compassion, wisdom and experience has not only brought through this healing with profound impact – her disposition and presence has had a positive impact on me in its own regard, too.

I say with conviction that Universal Rays Healing is an experience and healing not to be missed in this lifetime.


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I had exhausted all avenues within the physical realm to heal my fatigue without resolve. I turned to Jo to help address any energetic-spiritual issues that may have been holding me back. Throughout the first three session with Jo I felt an improvement in my energy levels as well as obtaining a new sense of clarity and purpose in life. Jo is an amazing coherent healer who has abilities far beyond those I have encountered before. She has provided me with lifelong tools to implement into my daily life to better myself and my health. I would highly recommend Jo to those wanting to take their health or life to the level by living more consciously.


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Jo has been the missing link in my life, through lots of personal exploration and studies to grow, i felt i was stuck and not progressing forward as much as i would like.
Jo’s sessions were the catalyst to removing blockages that were hampering my ability to move forward and grow into the life i so desired.

I feel like she opened the door to myself and helped me see what was already there, personally I’m big into my own development and over the years i struggled to really allow myself to grow to the level i know i was capable of.

Jo has so far been the bridge to allow this to happen, i cannot recommend her highly enough if you want to grow and see things within yourself that have always been there but maybe have been clouded by murky water.


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I had seen countless psychologists and counsellors but my progress was limited. I found Jo by chance. I hadn’t heard of Universal Ray Healing, I had no idea what to expect. But she came highly recommended and now I know why.

With Jo I worked through the Universal Rays and life coaching. Jo helped me heal, to acknowledge my stuff, to not be ashamed of my stuff but to love it. She taught me how to focus that love to help me better understand my potential in life and my choices.


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Jo was recommended by a dear friend and I had no idea what to expect. I have struggled with feelings of “not being good enough” my whole life. After my three sessions, I feel Jo has given me the insights as to how those feelings serve no purpose and can be released. I have reconnected with my spirit and stillness where all things are possible. Jo helped me acknowledge that what I thought was just out of reach, was actually sitting right in front of me waiting to be embraced.


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Life changing. There are no better words to describe my URH sessions with Jo.

I honestly feel like I am meeting myself for the first time in my 33 years. The sessions with Jo have given me a deeper understanding of who I am, my adaptive behaviours and my life’s purpose. Holding a space of love and compassion, Jo has helped me to clear years of unresolved energy and trauma.

Although I have dabbled in different healing modalities, none have been as powerful or transformative as the Universal Rays. Jo brings the most beautiful energy, knowledge and openness to each session and I can only liken the healings to being wrapped in a wave of goodness.

Seriously, life changing!


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I cannot recommend Jo, or the URH sessions enough. To say they are life changing is almost an underwhelming statement but that is what the sessions offer you – a life changing opportunity. Jo has a way of not only listening to your words, but also listening in between them to really get to the crux of the matter. I immediately felt at ease when we started talking and felt she truly understood what was occurring for me at the time. I love getting more of an understanding of myself and the Rays that I have come into this life to try and master.

As the weeks unfold during the Universal Rays Healing sessions it is very easy to see how the card you are working on has been playing out in your life, the karma you are working through, and how you are transforming that energy into something more desirable and more in line with the kind of life you want to live.

If you are feeling stuck, overwhelmed, looking for clarity, resolution, a way forward then I can highly recommend Jo and the Universal Rays Healing modality.


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There is more to this world than meets the eye. When you open your mind and trust that you are supported your world will never be the same. You are not alone and URH will allow you to call upon the help where you need it most. Jo is an amazing healer who has changed my life with her work.


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During my 3 Universal Rays Healing sessions with Jo, I found her to be a very dedicated and compassionate healer. She creates a very welcoming and nurturing space physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually for the healing journey. She brings through much helpful guidance through her own knowledge and expertise, as well as higher guidance in the healing sessions. She is kind, open and loving while still maintaining professional boundaries. I would recommend Jo highly to anyone thinking of trying Universal Rays Healing. She is an angel walking the earth I’m sure.


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I found Nic via a friend who said she was "amazing". After meeting Nic over a year ago now, I can say that amazing falls short of her abilities. She is absolutely life changing. The Universal Ray Healings have allowed me to step into a person I never imagined I would be. The growth I have experienced is priceless and the version of myself when I first met Nic is unrecognisable. I am eternally grateful for listening to my intuition and taking the first step to meet with her. Undoubtedly embarking on a journey with Nic is the best decision I ever made.


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This session was much more intense than the first one. I physically felt like I weighed a ton and could not move my body at all. I felt the release of toxic energy and saw it as it occurred. I saw black winged beings being washed over in purple until they all disappeared. My head also felt very heavy and it stayed with that feeling the longest.

My body lightened as the session went on, but my head took the longest to come back to a feeling of normalcy. I also saw what appeared to be DNA strands, and they too were washed over in purple light and I could feel the positive energy entering my body and the change and release of negative energy. This was the beginning phase of the physical and emotional healing taking place inside my body. the work was intense and we completed 2 of 3 cards in that one session.

Afterwards I felt shaky and needed to ground. Later that night I felt an immediate improvement physically, mentally & emotionally. I felt the effects of this session for several weeks as it continued to work on me and helped me have better self-awareness of triggers in my life and new, more positive ways for me to deal with them.

The message I got was the session was about identifying and releasing anger, hurt, & pain to allow love to come in and heal. That very night, someone I had not spoken to in a long time, called me to confront me over a long-seated issue I did not even know she felt. I was able to really listen to her, hear her out, talk it out with her, and we came to a place of healing. That was totally conformation for me!


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The Universal Ray Healings are a gateway to a new life. They free you of encumbrances, provide you with tools & information to better understand yourself & create pathways of thought & communication to explore new opportunities & possibilities.

What started as a journey to give my young son a more wholistic treatment plan, turned into a whole family experience which created a level of alignment I never dreamed possible.

Along with the Universal Ray Healings, Nicola has provided us with our Soul Charts to deepen our understanding of ourselves & each other. As parents, this has been invaluable. As partners of over 20 years, this has givens a completely new view of each other, a whole new language for communication & a renewed sense of unity.

The Universal Ray Healings are beautifully unobtrusive, Nicola utilises her gift & knowledge to heal you while you remain in a restful state. The transformation whether it be fast or slow, noticeable or passive, is undeniable.

Our sessions with Nicola have changed our lives & I highly recommend them to anyone seeking change in theirs.


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I have had many healings in my life & all over the globe. The Universal Ray Healings was totally new for me & has blown my mind. I have learnt about myself so much & it has helped me truely look inside & get to know ME.

It is bringing me forward in life, it catches me & brings me to focus, whereas before I had no recognition of it. Nicola has been a life support to me & the Universal Rays Healings are truely authentic, full love, transparent & insanely profound.

I am forever grateful to you Nicola for showing me... ME.

And for helping me transform slowly into my best version.

Bless you and your wonderful gift.


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The transformation I have had with Nicola has been life changing. I now feel like I am on a path towards discovering who I truely am and a more meaningful life.

From understanding my Soul Chart and what I am here to learn as well as The Universal Ray Healing sessions, I can see myself shifting towards love, truth, happiness and meaning. All unfolding around me without me realising sometimes!

Nicola has an amazing ability to help guide you through life's ups and downs and help clear the big issues and roadblocks you are working on.

Thank you for everything you have done for me Nicola.


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I have had many healings in my life & all over the globe. The Universal Ray Healings was totally new for me & has blown my mind. I have learnt about myself so much & it has helped me truely look inside & get to know ME.

It is bringing me forward in life, it catches me & brings me to focus, whereas before I had no recognition of it. Nicola has been a life support to me & the Universal Rays Healings are truely authentic, full love, transparent & insanely profound.

I am forever grateful to you Nicola for showing me... ME.

And for helping me transform slowly into my best version.

Bless you and your wonderful gift.


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For me personally when choosing the templates of the Universal Ray Healings I have found a language that resonates deeply for me through what is currently being held in my being and through those experiences I have found this modality to be so accurate and profound for me and allows me to feel safe and nurtured for my beings needs.


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Receiving the universal rays is subtle yet profound. There is a slow unraveling that is life altering & enhancing. Practical, precise & embodying. With deep gratitude.


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Universal Ray Healing sessions are personal and profound experiences. I have had three sessions. Each session builds upon the last with flowing energy integration on many levels. At the end of each session, I was given a message from an ascended being.


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I have now received two Universal Rays Healing sessions from Alison Ramsay as part of my OTC Master program and I must thank Ishtar, Alison and the Masters of Light for bringing the powerful healing energy to Mother Earth, the connections of each element along with the specialist love brought to me have been so helpful during my spiritual journey of self discovery.


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Thank you Ishtar. I am extremely happy with where we have reached and so grateful for your help. What you do is amazing! Thanks again.


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My Universal Ray Healing session with Cara Clark was a very profound experience for me. It started off as quite relaxing but soon I felt as if I was taken to another dimension. I began to see, what I can only describe as, a video playing in my head. It was as real as if I were watching an actual movie. At the time of my session, I was in the process of battling a eating disorder. What I saw and experienced during the universal ray healing was very powerful for me and I have no doubt was a turning point in my recovery.


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Dear Susie, I would like to thank you for your beautiful grace and understanding of The Universal Rays and what it means to just hold someone in their journey of Healing and letting go and feeling safe to do this.

You have a beautiful, soft, gentle energy that’s each time we met I felt more and more at peace you supported me with such nurturing when I needed it the most

With your warmth, compassion, and intuitive understandingyou created a sacred space for me to embark on a journey of deep healing and self-discovery. Through your expertise of the Masters and the Rays, I felt a profound shift in my energy and a renewed sense of balance and harmony each time. I am so very grateful for the healing and insight I received, and I highly recommend [Susie] to anyone seeking Universal Rays Healing for spiritual growth and self discovery

The Cards that I chose were exactly where I’m in my life it is so profound there is no doubt about it.

With love and gratitude in my heart thank you so very much Susie.


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I am grateful that Susie came into my life at the right time to assist me as I was going through healing and big changes in my life. I have completed a full round of Universal Rays healing with Susie now, and it has changed my life – allowing me to feel more present in my life and safe on the earth. Each session I do with Susie feels like I go on a beautiful vacation and come back feeling rejuvenated and rested. Susie is so understanding, she has a beautiful presence and a loving mother energy, allowing you to be held in whatever you are going through in life.

She seems to be able to somehow spread her glittering light over any struggle – big or small. The Universal Rays healing has really changed the way I participate in life, allowing me to work with my beliefs and limitations on a deep level as well as the energy I hold. I would highly recommend it to anyone feeling called. I am deeply grateful for Susie’s guidance and wisdom, as well as the Universal Rays. I look forward to my next session with Susie!


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